Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Economy and Business Development Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday 7th September 2016 6.30 pm (Item 3.)

To consider the attached report.


Contact Officer: Teresa Lane 01296 585006


Consideration was given to a report on Waterside North – Future Phases of Development which had also been submitted to Cabinet at its meeting on 6 September 2016.


Cabinet had been asked to recommend to Council that a budget of up to £250,000, to be met from the general revenue fund, be approved to enable the preparatory work for the next stages of development of Aylesbury Town to be progressed. The views of this committee were being sought before Council considered the recommendation on 14 September 2016.


The Head of Commercial Property and Major Projects attended the meeting and updated Members regarding the Cabinet meeting on 6 September.


Members raised concerns about car parking issues in the centre of Aylesbury, both during the building works and once the development was completed. Members were advised that a car parking plan will be commissioned if council approves the budget. The plan will review the possible sites available and the type of car park that could be provided, for example multi-storey, surface or undercroft. Members asked about the possibility of a park and ride facility, Buckinghamshire County Council were developing a transport strategy which AVDC were involved with. The strategy would look at park and ride so this would not be ruled out at this stage.


Members enquired about the Dayla site along with the potential to develop the bottom of the High Street including Hampden House. It was hoped to transform the area around Gala Bingo and provide a new entrance onto the High Street as part of the next phase of development. This would hopefully provide uplift to the street and adjacent areas to help attract retailers and shoppers. It was also hoped that existing High Street retailers and landlords would engage and share in AVDC’s vision for the town centre.


Members asked about how new retailers and members of the public would be attracted to Aylesbury, with Milton Keynes and Hemel Hempstead being in close travelling distance. It was hoped that with the new development and vision of the town centre, that Aylesbury would have a relaxed friendly atmosphere with plenty of restaurants and retailers to attract people to the town. Aylesbury’s offer would be complementary to Milton Keynes as it could not compete with regional shopping centres. A retail study underway would show which other centres were used by the Aylesbury catchment.


Another issue raised by Members was the use of the area on the ground floor of the University. Reserved as a restaurant space, the University had control over this area and although it was disappointing that it had not been possible to secure operators yet, the University had been assured by the letting agent that once the restaurants on Waterside North had been let, the University space would be taken up. In the meantime the University was entitled to consider a temporary change of use.


Members enquired about the trees in the new public square and other public areas as they were concerned that young saplings might be susceptible to adverse weather and vandalism. They were reassured that the trees being planted would be of substantial size but not too big so as to obstruct signage and lighting.


The Chairman and Members thanked the Head of Commercial Property and Major Projects for taking the time to update the Committee.




The contents of the report views outlined above be conveyed to the relevant Cabinet Member.

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